Learning check
Once you have watched the video, check your learning with this quiz.
Metabolism = turnover of substances
- Catabolic processes = breaking down substances
- Anabolic processes = building up substances
- Catabolism + anabolism = metabolism
Breaking down the food
Foodstuff → Macromolecules → Simple molecules
- Combustion → Energy
- Simple molecules → Building blocks for new macromolecules
Overview of the metabolic processes
Most of the metabolic processes take place in the cytoplasm or mitochondrion in the eukaryotic cell.
In the digistive tract:
- Carbohydrates → glucose
- Fats → fatty acids
- Proteins → amino acids
In the cytoplasm:
- Glucose → pyruvate (glycolysis)
- Transamination, deamination → carboxylic acid + amine
In the mitochondrion:
- Pyruvate → Acetyl-CoA
- Beta oxidation of fatty acids → Acetyl-CoA
- Citric acid cycle
- Electron transport chain